
Symone is a proud Baltimore-born scientist and educator. She has a B.S. from Hampton University in Marine and Environmental Science and a M.S. from Delaware State University in Natural Resources. Symone has studied algae, blue crabs, sand tiger and sandbar sharks over the years in undergrad and graduate school. After graduate school, Symone was placed in NOAA's Office of Education during her Sea Grant Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship.

Currently, Symone is a member of NAAEE’s Environmental Education 30 Under 30 program and manages Education Programs at National Aquarium with a special emphasis on providing environmental literacy to youth in Baltimore. She is proud to be supporting students and teachers in her hometown of Baltimore, Maryland through her work at National Aquarium and across the country through a show she hosts with NOAA Ocean Today, Every Full Moon. Symone is also the Chief Learning Officer of Black In Marine Science, a non-profit focused on highlighting and amplifying Black marine scientists while inspiring and supporting younger generations interested in the field.

Adam Handen

University of Pittsburgh and
ElasmoWeek website manager


Adam is a bioinformatician at the Vascular Medicine Instute within the University of Pittsburgh.